Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dear Lee:

Way to go! You really gave it to that "right-wing blogosphere". Great use of "nefarious" by the way. I have a couple more words for you that pertain to your premise: "specious" and, uh, "stupid".

Let's do a word problem, shall we? Let's call X the number of books that Ifill will sell if Obama wins and Y the number if McCain wins. Do you think that X is equal to, greater than or less than Y? I submit to you that if X is not equal to Y (doesn't matter if it's greater than or less than), there is a conflict of interest. Can you refute this?

But the right-wing blogosphere has been even more nefarious than you know. By calling Ifill out, they will force her to play against type and be meticulously fair. Just like when the left-wing blogosphere called out Charlie Gibson prior to the Palin interview causing him to play against type and be smug, sanctimonious and condescending. I'm telling ya, Dr. Evil's got nothing on those right-wing bloggers.

As Ifill herself says, the proof is in the pudding. My guess is that, because of this controversy, she'll go out of her way to appear fair and that's a good thing. Would she have done so otherwise? I guess we'll never know.

A Big Phan

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